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Pick Lottery Augur


This function lets you check for various statistics to the selected lottery. As the name of the tool implies, this works only with "pick lottery" type lotteries..

How to Invoke

Use the menu item "Tools > Pick Lottery Augur..." .

Window Controls

"Select Lottery" dropdown menu

Choose the lottery with which you wish to work.

"Parameter" dropdown menu

You have nine parameters from which to choose:

  1. "Numbers Frequency" : this shows each number, how many times it has been drawn (in the "Count" ) column, and when the last time this number has been drawn (in the "Age" ) column.
  2. "Most Common Numbers" : this lists, in descending order, the most common numbers that have been draw, how many times the number has been drawn, and the last time this number has been drawn.
  3. "Least Common Numbers" : this lists, in ascending order, the least common numbers that have been draw, how many times the number has been drawn, and the last time this number has been drawn.
  4. "Most Overdue Numbers" : this lists, in descending order the numbers that are the most overdue to be drawn, along with then number of times the numbers has been drawn, and the last time the number has been drawn.
  5. "Most Common Pairs" : this lists the most common number pairs found in the drawings, followed by the number of times the pair have appeared.
  6. "Most Common Consecutive Pairs" : this lists the most common consecutive ('back-to-back') number pairs found in the drawings, followed by the number of times the pair have appeared.
  7. "Most Common Triplets" : this lists the most common number triplets found in the drawings, followed by the number of times the triplets have appeared.
  8. "Most Common Consecutive Triplets" : this lists the most common consecutive ('back-to-back-to-back') number triplets found in the drawings, followed by the number of times the triplets have appeared.
  9. "Odd versus Evens" : this shows all possible even-odd pairings, and how many times the pairings have occurred.

"State Date" selector

Choose the starting date here. When you select a lottery in the Lottery dropdown menu, this date selector will default to the oldest (first) drawing.

"Calculate" button

This starts the calculation process.

"Save" button

Clicking this button will invoke a file selector, allowing you to save the results to a text file.

"Copy" button

This copies the results to the System Clipboard.